Here some formulas are listed. Starting point is the phonon part, written in more general terms.
The index now denotes all atomic positions in a crystal, the momentum vector is and the displacement vector is . Fig. 18 shows the Born-van-Karman model definition of longitudinal springs and transversal springs used in the following derivation.
Note that the sum over indices counts each spring twice, thus a factor of has been added to the Hamiltonian before the sum.
Note that the difference in undisplaced lattice positions is denoted by . The displacement vector is split into a strain component a rotational component and a dynamic component (displacement operator) obeying periodic boundary conditions .
Equations (81) and (82) contain terms quadratic in , which will be considered as elastic energy contributions. The terms quadratic in will contribute to the lattice dynamics. In addition there are also terms linear in and . Thus the phonon Hamiltonian (79) can be separated into the elastic Energy , the Einstein single ion oscillation term , the bilinear interaction term and the mixing term
(79) |