Using Single Ion Module phonon

The module phonon allows to consider the phononic degrees of freedom in McPhase. The single ion input file for an oscillating atom (with amplitude up to a maximum displacement $u_{max}$, which is relevant for the function Icalc of the module) has to have the following format:

# phonon
# MODPAR1=mass of atom in units of m0 (atomic mass unit=1.660539e-27 kg)
MODPAR1=57  # mass in(m0)
MODPAR2=-1.2   # Kxx
MODPAR3=-1.2   # Kyy
MODPAR4=-1.2   # Kzz
MODPAR5=0   # Kxy  in (meV)
MODPAR6=0   # Kxz
MODPAR7=0   # Kyz
MODPAR8=1   # umax          maximum (cutoff) for displacement [a0=0.5219 A]
MODPAR9=4   # 0       umax restriction in all directions
            #                1,2,3   umax restriction in x y z direction only
            #                4       umax restriction in x and y direction
            #                5       umax restriction in x and z direction
            #                6       umax restriction in y and z direction

# Neutron Scattering Length (10^-12 cm) (can be complex)
#  ... note: - if an occupancy other than 1.0 is needed, just reduce 
#              the scattering length linear accordingly


Note, that MODPAR8 and MODPAR9 impose a restriction to the Icalc function of the module phonon. This means, if used with program mcphas the module will not return displacements $\langle \mathbf u \rangle$ larger than umax. Technically this is done by applying the operation $u \leftarrow u_{max} * tanh (u/u_{max})$ at the end of the function Icalc.

Coordinate System: the Euclidean coordinate system of phonon displacements $\mathbf u$ with components $u_x,u_y,u_z$ is oriented with respect to the crystal axes $\mathbf a,\mathbf b,\mathbf c$ such that $\mathbf y \vert\vert \mathbf b$, $\mathbf z \vert\vert \mathbf a \times \mathbf b $ and $\mathbf x$ perpendicular to $\mathbf y$ and $\mathbf z$.

The single ion property file contains the matrix $\overline{K}(ii)$, the matrix $\overline{K}(ii')$ decribing the forces between different ions $i$ and $i'$ have to be given in the file mcphas.j, which could look like:

# Lattice Constants (A)
#! a=4.047 b=4.047 c=9.612 alpha=  90 beta=  90 gamma=  90
#! r1a=   1 r2a=   0 r3a= 0.5
#! r1b=   0 r2b=   1 r3b= 0.5   primitive lattice vectors [a][b][c]
#! r1c=   0 r2c=   0 r3c= 0.5
# Nonzero Elastic constants in meV per primitive crystal unit cell 
# in Voigt notation only first index<=second index has to be given
# because the constants are symmetric Celij=Celji
# Elastic constants refer to the Euclidean coordinate system ijk defined
# with respect to abc as j||b, k||(a x b) and i normal to k and j
#!  Cel11=+129702.248 Cel12=+63972.0533 Cel13=+34346.9127
#!  Cel22=+129702.248 Cel23=+34346.9127
#!  Cel33=+60842.4597
#!  Cel44=+137509.379
#!  Cel55=+137509.379
#!  Cel66=+256056.495
#! nofatoms=1  nofcomponents=3  number of atoms in primitive unit cell/number of components of each spin
#! da=   0 [a] db=   0 [b] dc=   0 [c] nofneighbours=2 diagonalexchange=1 sipffilename=phonon.sipf
# it follows the Born von Karman model according to  springs read from file 
# the mixing terms Gmix in meV/a0  with a0=0.5292e-10 m
#! Gindices= 1,1 1,2 1,3 2,1 2,2 2,3 3,1 3,2 3,3 4,1 4,2 4,3 5,1 5,2 5,3 6,1 6,2 6,3
#! G= +1 13 0  0 0 0  0 0 0   0 0 0   0 0 0  0 0 0
#da[a]   db[b]     dc[c]       Jaa[meV]  Jbb[meV]  Jcc[meV]  Jab[meV]  Jba[meV]  Jac[meV]  Jca[meV]  Jbc[meV]  Jcb[meV]
0 0 1 1.1 1.1 1.1
0 0 -1 1.1 1.1 1.1 

Note that this file may optionally contain elastic constants and mixing term parameters, which are needed for the calculation of magnetoelastic properties (see section 12). It is planned that these files should be created automatically from the output of DFT programs. [to be done]. Currently it is possible to create the input parameters from Born v Karman longitudinal and transversal springs by the program makenn with option -bvk. For an example of phonons in tungsten see examples/tungsten_phonons