To calculate crystal field parameters ( is a short hand notation for ) for the ion at site in the crystal with Stevens convention we use the well known expressions of the point charge model:
Here, the are computed from the relative position (in spherical coordinates) of the point charges using
Equation (104) is based on the adiabatic approximation and the dependence of the crystal field parameters on the displacements is not considered. Going beyond the adiabatic approximation this dependence may be considered and the crystal field parameters may be expanded in terms of the strain and the leading to the crystal field phonon interaction. Minimizing the Energy with respect to the strain tensor leads to expressions for the strain in terms of expectation values of Stevens Operators and displacement operators.
The Hamiltonian can be written as a sum of phonon, crystal field and Zeeman contributions (writing instead of for the crystal field parameter indices, the index counts nuclei carrying with them the charge producing the crystal field , the index runs over magnetic ions,i.e. the only partially filled f or d electron shells in a crystal , this is why we writ in the following sums)
In the last line of this equation we have made use of the invariance of the total crystal field energy under rotations and therefore substituted with the strain . Abbreviating notation we arrive at the final result for the crystal field phonon interaction:
Note, that the first part of this equation denotes the coupling of the strain to the crystal field and is commonly known as magnetoelastic interaction [33]. The definition of the static magnetoelastic constants writing explicitly the Voigt notation of the first index is
The dynamic magnetoelastic constants (the crystal field phonon coupling constants) are
Note, that equation (108) makes use of the displacement derivatives of the crystal field parameters and not the strain derivatives found in literature [34,35,36]. In section 12.9 a procedure to calculate these derivatives is described.
Summarizing, and remembering the dimensionless phonon displacement operators , we can write the total Hamiltonian as
The first line in (110) contains the single ion Hamiltonian (crystal field, Zeeman)
and the second line the phonon Einstein oscillator and elastic energy (also a ”single ion” terms), the third line the interaction terms (phonon, crystal field phonon), the forth line the mixing term and the last line the magnetoelastic term. In a selfconsistent solution it is possible to determine (i) , (ii) and (iii) . This will produce multipolar phase diagrams including the magnetostrictive properties without the need of a detailed investigation of the symmetry adapted Hamiltonian.
Setting zero the derivative of the expectation value of the Hamiltonian (105) with respect to (i.e. minimizing the energy with respect to strain and rotation) yields the following relations
The index needs only to go over the atoms in the unit cell, because the crystal structure is periodic. There are 9 equations for for nine components . Thus the coefficients of the strain in equation (111) can be evaluated numerically. For each mean field iteration the strain components can be calculated from equation (111) and inserted into (105) until selfconsistency is achieved.
Considering only the strain we can make use of the elastic constants in forming the derivative of the Hamiltonian, we get 6 equations for , from which the 6 strain components can be determined.