Programs for Specific Tasks in the World of McPhase

This section contains some further programs which do some important manipulations in magnetism, ...

addj file1.j file2.j:
adds exchange parameters of file2.j to the parameters in file1.j - output is written to stdout, if file2.j is not given, a copy of the input file is saved

Option: -nofcomponents 23
fixes the nofcomponents to 23 by reducing (removing entries) or increasing (by filling with zeroes) the exchange parameter tables
Option: -ni
forces output without indexchange
program to calculate the magnetic anistropy by doing a mcphas or single ion calculation for different external magnetic field directions and evaluating the expectation value of the magnetic moment.
     usage: anisotropy -h
           anisotropy  T H xn yn zn nofsteps [-r sipffilename Hxc1 Hxc2 ... Hxcnofcomponents]
           anisotropy  T H -p nofthetasteps [-r sipffilename Hxc1 Hxc2 ... Hxcnofcomponents]

     -h           : this (help) message
      T           : temperature in Kelvin
      H           : absolute value of the external magnetic field (T)
      xn,yn,zn    : direction normal to plane, in which the anisotropy
                    should be calculated ... e.g. if you want to
                    calculate the anisotropy in the xy plane, then
                    enter xn yn zn = 0 0 1
      nofsteps    : number of steps to be calculated 
     -p           : calculate polycrystal average
      nofthetastepssteps    : number of theta steps to be calculated for polycrystal average

    -r sipffilename: filename of single ion parameter file
                      Hxc1,Hxc2,... are the exchange field components (meV)
                     (exchange field is kept constant, external magnetic
                     field is rotated in the anisotropy calculation)

    output files:

    ./results/anisotropy.out  contains anisotropy information

Calculates via group theory, the multiplicity of crystal field split levels for particular point symmetries. The command is: "cfsplit $\langle$PTGP$\rangle$ $\langle$J$\rangle$" where $\langle$PTGP$\rangle$ is the name of the point group (both Hermman-Maguin and Schoenflies notation are understood), and $\langle$J$\rangle$ is the half-integer value of the total angular momentum J of the lowest multiplet. E.g. "cfsplit Oh 2" gives the familiar cubic Eg/T2g splitting (last line of output). See also: symhmltn which calculates the allowed two-ion exchange terms for a point group.

cif2mcphas [options] $\langle$INPUT.CIF$\rangle$:
Creates a set of McPhase input files (mcphas.j, sipfs) from the crystal structure given in a CIF (Crystallographic Information File), with or without user interaction. CIF input files may be obtained from online repositories such as the Inorganic Crystal Structures Database (ICSD), the Crystallography Online Database (COD) or the American Mineralogist Database (AMCSD), or they may be generated by many crystal structures programs, including FullProf. In fully automated mode, the program is invoked with the name of the CIF input file as: "cif2mcphas $\langle$INPUT.CIF$\rangle$". In this case, the program tries to guess which crystallographic sites contains magnetic or non-magnetic ions, and what the valence (oxidation state) of that ion is. This information may also be given by the user in interactive mode, with the following command: "cif2mcphas $\langle$INPUT.CIF$\rangle$ -i" (e.g. by including the switch -i (or –interactive) before or after the CIF input filename). The online help may be access by invoking the program without arguments or with the -h (–help) switch. Finally, if you do not have a CIF of the structure you want to calculate, you can use the template here:

; Please replace text in square brackets [] with your data
_cell_length_a                     [a_in_Angstrom]
_cell_length_b                     [b_in_Angstrom]
_cell_length_c                     [b_in_Angstrom]
_cell_angle_alpha                  [alpha_in_degrees]
_cell_angle_beta                   [beta_in_degrees]
_cell_angle_gamma                  [gamma_in_degrees]
; The H-M symbol generally needed by cif2mcphas but some spacegroups
; which have only one setting can be identified purely by the number.
; Most orthorhombic or low symmetry spacegroups have multiple centring,
; origin choices or unique axes which will require an H-M symbol.
; If this is the case, and you give just the spacegroup number,
; cif2mcphas may return with an error.
; If you don't use one of these fields, you must comment it out, by
; putting a ";" or "#" at the start of the line.
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M     [Hermann-Maguin_symbol_with_spaces]
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number        [SpacegroupNumber]
; At the end of the file, please list the non-equivalent
; sites' fractional coordinates of this structure.
[AtomSite] [x_coord] [y_coord] [z_coord]

replacing instances of e.g. [AtomSite] or [x_coord] with the site name and fraction $x$-coordinate, etc. This template can also be generated using the command "cif2mcphas -c" or "cif2mcphas –create". See also: icsdread which downloads and creates a CIF from an entry of the (free) Korean ICSD mirror.

For example, this template may be filled with the following information

_cell_length_a                     3.4891(4)
_cell_length_b                     4.4898(6)
_cell_length_c                     6.0033(8)
_cell_angle_alpha                  90
_cell_angle_beta                   90
_cell_angle_gamma                  90
_space_group_crystal_system        'orthorhombic'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number        38
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M     'A m m 2'
 Tm1 Tm 0.5000 0.0000   0.3850(2)     
 Ni1 Ni 0.0000 0.0000  -0.0034(3)      
 C1 C   0.0000 0.349(2) 0.1851(18)     
; C-C bond charge as 0 0.5 z as C1
 E1 E 0.0000 0.500(2) C1
; atomic radii  Tm 227 pm C 170pm  Ni 163pm
; C-Ni bonds at Ni+(C1-Ni)*163/(163+170)
 E2 E Ni+(C1-Ni)*163/(163+170) Ni+(C1-Ni)*163/(163+170)  Ni+(C1-Ni)*163/(163+170)

Note that atomic coordinates may also be expressed as formulas, with positions from previous lines as variables. In the above example the bond charge of bonding electrons is denoted by the symbol E. The position coordinate is defined relative to the position of C1 and Ni.


prints help message
- - create
create cif template without any structure information
- - interactive
no automatic guess of pointcharges, magnetic configurations etc.
-pc 3.6
do point charge calculation including charges up to 3.6 Angstroms.
- - charges
input charges to override defaults, e.g. -pc 5.6 -ch O=-2,Ce=+3,Pd=+2
- - savepcfile
save the .pc files with list of neighbouring ions in results/ (default is to not save these but to use coordinates internally only). If -pc is not specified, this option has no effect.
- - savecharges
store pointcharge coordinates in sipf file
- - supercell
creates a super-cell of size #x#x#. (e.g. -s 2x3x4).
- - readpcfile
don't regenerate point charge coordinates but reread them from the saved .pc files in results/ - this option is intended so that users can modify the charges in the .pc file (e.g. by the program setvariable) and regenerate the CF parameters from the new charges. (You don't have to specify -pc with this option).
- - nonmagnetic
set nonmagnetic ion overrideing default, e.g. -nm Cu
- - magnetic
set magnetic ion overrideing default, e.g. -m Cu

- - so1ion
force all ions to use so1ion
- - ic1ion
force all ions to use ic1ion
- - phonon
force all ions to use phonon
- - screenfile
apply screening function to charges for calculation of crystal field parameters, e.g. -sf sf.r reads file sf.r, with column 1 r(Å), column 2 screeningfactor for $B_2^m$, column 3 screeningfactor for$B_4^m$, and column 4 screeningfactor for $B_6^m$.

Default is to create sipf files with so1ion module for f-electrons and ic1ion module for d-electrons and phonon module for nonmagnetic ions. The -so and -ic options have no effect unless either -pc or -rp is specified. -so takes precedent over -ic (e.g. when typing cif2mcphas -rp -so -ic file.cif the program will ignore the -ic and force all ions to use so1ion).

Some examples of the syntax are:

cif2mcphas -pc 3.5 ermno3.cif
cif2mcphas -pc 3.5 -sp ermno3.cif
cif2mcphas -rp ermno3.cif
cif2mcphas -pc 3.5 -so ermno3.cif
cif2mcphas -rp -ic ermno3.cif

cpsingleion 10 100 1 file.levels.cef [options]:
By runnning singleion some file.levels.cef is created in folder results. The cpsingleion program may then be used. It calculates the specific heat in the temperature interval 10-100 K with a step width of 1 K. Alternatively a comparison to experimental data can be made by cpsingleion 1 2 cpexp.dat file.levels.cef, where the temperatures are given in column 1 and the experimental specific heat in column 2 of file cpexp.dat. The calculated specific heat is compared to the experimental data and a standard deviation sta is calculated and output is written to stdout. Other quantities can be calculated using the options: -s (calculate entropy (J/molK) instead of cp), -f (calculate free energy (J/mol) instead of cp),-u (calculate magnetic energy (J/mol) instead of cp), -z (calculate partition sum instead of cp)

cpso1ion 10 100 1 [options]:
same as cpsingleion but for output of program so1ion (no file.levels.cef required, takes values from so1ion.out) .
cpic1ion 10 100 1 [options]:
same as cpsingleion but for output of program ic1ion (no file.levels.cef required, takes values from ic1ion.out) .
cpicf1ion 10 100 1 [options]:
same as cpsingleion but for output of program icf1ion (no file.levels.cef required, takes values from icf1ion.out) .

epsdebye Tmax dT Tdebye scale [d1 d2 datafile]:
calculates the phonon induced strain $\epsilon$ using the debye model according to the following formula: $\epsilon=S*T*D(\Theta_{D}/T) $ with $D(z)=\frac{3}{z^3}\int_0^z \frac{x^3 dx}{e^x-1}$ Range is from zero to Tmax in stepwidths dT unless a datafile is given. If a datafile is given, with data column d1 and d2,the strain is calculated for T-values of data column d1 and epsilon is compared to data in column d2 - a standard deviation sta is calculated as a sum of squared deviations. As output the datafile is given, an additional is column added containing the calculated strain epsilon. The datafile has to be sorted according to descending T values !!! output is written to stdout.
extendunitcell n1 n2 n3
program to extend crystallographic unit cell n times in r1 (or r2,r3) direction, meaning take mcphas.j, mcphas.tst and and generate an extended description of the unit cell n1xr1,n2xr2,n3xr3 put result into extend.j, extend.tst and

fermicol col T filename
calculates the Fermifunction from energy in column col.
column containing energy values (eV) relative to EF
temperature (K)
file name
fitfermi T EF fwhm min max filename
fits a (Gaussian convoluted) Fermi function to data in file
Temperature (K)
initial value of Fermi Energy (eV)
initial vlaue for resolution (eV) (if less than zero the fwhm is not fitted and set to |fwhm|)
min max
energy range of fit (may be less than range of experimental data points)
filename (col 1 is energy in eV and col 2 intensity)
The fermifunction is defined as $f(E)=b+l(E-EF)+[d+k(E-EF)]/(\exp((E-EF)/kT)+1)$, the function $f(E)$ is convoluted with a Gaussian function of given fwhm and the result is compared to experimental data.

output: files can be found in directory results, is created with fitted function and parameter values

formfactor *.sipf
program to calculate the neutron magnetic formfactor from the formfactor coefficients in the single ion parameter file *.sipf. If a radial wave function is given in *.sipf then the formfactorand the expectation values of the spherical Bessel functions are evaluated by integration with this radial wave function (see appendix J).

icsdread $\langle$ICSD_ID$\rangle$ $>$ INPUT.CIF
Program to create a CIF (Crystallographic Information File) from the contents of a webpage on the (free) Korean Inorganic Crystal Structures Database (ICSD) mirror ( which is automatically downloaded when the corresponding ICSD ID is given as input. This requires an internet connection. If the webpage corresponding to this ICSD entry was previously downloaded, the filename can be given as input instead and the program will read from this file. Output is sent to the console so should be redirected into a file using the $>$ operator for futher use, for example to set up McPhase input files using cif2mcphas

transforms file of mcphas.jjj format to mcphas.j format - output is written to stdout

makenn 23.3[options]:
Program to calculate neighbors of atoms given a crystal structure. Note that in order to use makenn you have to set up a working mcphas.j file with the crystal structure. The program makenn takes mcphas.j and creates all neighbours within a sphere of distance 23.3Å, for every neighbour the classical dipole interaction $J_{\alpha\beta}(\vec R)=\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} (g_J \mu_B)^2 \frac{3R_{\alpha}R_{\beta}-\delta_{\alpha\beta}R^2}{R^5}$ is calculated and is stored in file makenn.j. If the exchange parameters (and neighbour positions) are not known for your system, you can use this module to generate a list of nearest neighbours and exchange parameters. Currently implemented are not only dipolar interactions, but also exchange interactions via the Bethe-Slater curve or the RKKY model.
option -rkky A(meV) kf(1/A)
calculates the rkky interaction according to $J(R)=A %%@
cos(2 k_f R)/(2 k_f R)^3$
option -rkky3d A(meV) ka(1/A) kb(1/A) kc(1/A)
calculates the rkky interaction according to $J(R)=A cos(2 \kappa)/(2 \kappa)^3$ with $\kappa^2=k_a^2 R_a^2 + k_b^2 R_b^2 + %%@
k_c^2 R_c^2$
option -rkkz A(meV) kf(1/A)
calculates the rkky interaction according to $J(R)=A %%@
(sin(2 k_f R)- 2 k_f R cos(2 k_f R))/(2 k_f R)^4$
option -rkkz3d A(meV) ka(1/A) kb(1/A) kc(1/A)
calculates the rkky interaction according to $J(R)=A (sin(2 \kappa)- 2 \kappa cos(2 \kappa))/(2 \kappa)^4$ with $\kappa^2=k_a^2 %%@
R_a^2 + k_b^2 R_b^2 + k_c^2 R_c^2$
option -kaneyoshi A(meV) D(A) alpha
calculates the Kaneyoshi parametrisation for the Bethe-Slater curve: $J(R)= A [-(R/D)^2+(R/D)^4]exp[-\alpha (R/D)^2]$ with $D$ corresponding to the orbital radius
option -kaneyoshi3d A(meV) Da(A) Db(A) Dc(A) alpha
calculates the Kaneyoshi parametrisation for the Bethe-Slater curve: $J(R)= A [-\rho^2+\rho^4]exp[-\alpha \rho^2]$ with $\rho^2=R_a^2/D_a^2+R_b^2/D_b^2+R_c^2/D_c^2$
option option -bvk filename
for phonon take Born van Karman model with longitudinal and transversal spring constants from file - file format:
#  atom_i_sipf atom_j_sipf bondlength(A) long(N/m) trans(N/m) 
Ce1.sipf  Ce1.sipf  +4.0 200.9 100.0
Ce1.sipf  Ce1.sipf  +4.7 70.9 0.0
mind: into MODPAR2-6 in *.sipf the Einstein-oscillator parameters are written, too. Longitudinal/Transversal springs are described by $c_L$/$c_T$, respectively and the energy is given by
$\displaystyle H$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_{ij} \frac{c_L(ij)-c_T(ij)}{2\vert\mathbf \mathbf R_{ij}\ver...
...thbf P_j . \mathbf R_{ij})^2
+ \frac{c_T(ij)}{2} (\mathbf P_i - \mathbf P_j )^2$(137)
Fig. 18 shows the Born-van-Karman model definition of longitudinal springs $c_L$ and transversal springs $c_T$. Omit filename to create a sample file with longitudinal springs calculated according to $C_L(ij)=25 \exp(-0.1*r^2_{ij}/\AA^2)$ N/m. Output: file makenn.Cel is created containing just the elastic constants.

option option -cfph [screeningfile.r] [-r]
calculate crystal field phonon interaction: mcphas.j lists magnetic and non magnetic atoms with charges defined in the sipf files by CHARGE= variable. For magnetic atoms the sipf file the variable MAGNETIC=1 has to be set and information about the ion has to be present (IONTYPE etc.). For each magnetic ion a new site is created resembling the magnetic electron charge cloud and this new site is shifted 0.1 Å along $c$ in order to not overlap with the original site. For option [-r] the original site sipf file is replaced automatically to use an sipf file with the MODULE=phonon similar to all the other non magnetic sites (which should have a MODULE=phonon). For the new magnetic site the program pointc is used by makenn with option -d to calculate derivatives $\partial B_{lm}/\partial u$ which are inserted as interaction parameters between MODULE=phonon and MODULE=so1ion sites. In order to use the resulting file resultsmakenn.j a phonon model has to be set up, and the phonon model has to be added to makenn.j, e.g. by program addj. Moreover, magnetic sites sipf files are required, which are created in results/makenn.a*.sipf. Note: A screening file can be used to define distance dependent screening of charges for the pointcharge model calculation format: col1 distance r (Å), col 2 screening factor for $B_2^m$, col 3 for $B_4^m$ and col 4 for $B_6^m$
option option -f [filename]
option option -dm [filename]
read interaction constants from table in file. Use -f for isotropic interactions between momentum $\mathbf J_i$ and $\mathbf J_j$ at positions $i$ and $j$
$\displaystyle \mathcal J \mathbf J_i . \mathbf J_j$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \mathbf J_i.
\left( \begin{array}{ccc}
\mathcal J & 0 & 0\\
0 & \mathcal J & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \mathcal J \\
\end{array}\right) .\mathbf J_j$(138)
and -dm for Dzyaloshinski Moriya interactions:
$\displaystyle \mathcal D (\mathbf J_i \times \mathbf J_j )$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \mathbf J_i.
\left( \begin{array}{ccc}
0 & \mathcal D_z & -\mathc... D_x \\
\mathcal D_y & -\mathcal D_x & 0 \\
\end{array}\right) .\mathbf J_j$(139)
To get an sample file use option -f or -dm without a filename.
option -d
puts to the last column the distance of the neighbours (A)

The neigbours of each atom are also stored in seperate files results/makenn.a*.pc, which can be used with the program pointc to evaluate the pointcharge model and calculate crystal field paramaters.

mcphas2jvx mcphas.j
Creates a JavaView input file (by default results/mcphas.jvx) which shows the atomic positions and exchange interactions in 3D graphics. It requires a mcphas.j type file as input. JavaView can then be used to view the output in 3D using: javaview results/mcphas.jvx. A specific output file may be given using the -o (–output) switch, and for the cluster module the switch -i (–individual) can be used to plot individual atoms within a cluster and the intra-cluster exchange interactions. For example, to create the a non-default file with atomic positions of a cluster calculation for viewing with JavaView, mcphas2jvx mcphas.j -i -o results/cluster.jvx && javaview results/cluster.jvx where the double ampersand means to execute the second (javaview) command if the first is successful.

Figure 31: Example of output of mcphas2jvx+JavaView for a normal setup (left, Bi$_2$Fe$_4$O$_9$ with Fe-Fe exchange interactions shown as lines) and for a cluster setup (right, trimers in LuMnO$_3$ shown as triangles with blue square block indicating trimer centre; intra-trimer exchange shown as purple lines, inter-cluster exchange as black lines). Linewidths are proportional to the strength of the exchange interactions between the linked atoms or clusters.
\includegraphics[angle=0, width=0.4\textwidth]{figsrc/mcphas_jvx.eps} \includegraphics[angle=0, width=0.4\textwidth]{figsrc/trimer_jvx.eps}

pointc[options] ionname$\vert$sipffile charge_and_position$\vert$file.pos:
Program to calculate Crystal field Parameters from Point Charges
example 1: pointc Ce3+ 0.2 4 1 5.3
... calculate Blm (Stevens Parameters) and Llm (Wybourne Parameters) for one point charge of +0.2$\vert e\vert$ in distance x=4 Åy=1 Åz=5.3 Åfrom a Ce$^{3+}$ ion. See equation (3) and appendix E for formulas.
example 2: pointc Ce3+ file.pos
... read several charges+coordinates from file.pos,file format: column 1=charge, column 2-4 = x y z coordinate. (note,program makenn creates useful files for this option from the crystal structure).
example 3: pointc Ce3+ C2.pos 5 6
... same as example 2 but reduced charge model,i.e. B2m calculated, with charges in col 1 of C2.pos,B4m and B6m with charges in col 5 and 6, respectively. Note: if an ion is not implemented, it's parameters can be entered in a single ion property file and pointc is started as
example 4: pointc file.sipf 0.2 4 1 5.3 0.1 0.3
... will use $0.2\vert e\vert$ for $B_2^m$, $0.1\vert e\vert$ for $B_4^m$, $0.3\vert e\vert$ for $B_6^m$. ... the first line of the single ion property file.sipf must be
The single ion property file must then contain the following information (# denotes comments):
 # file.sipf should contain the following information (# denotes comments):
 # the name of the ion
 #Stevens parameters (optional, necessary for output of Blm)
 ALPHA=-0.0571429 BETA=0.00634921 GAMMA=0
 # the radial matrix elements RN=<r^N> in units of a0^N (a0=0.5292 A)
 R2=1.309 R4=3.964 R6=23.31
 #optional radial wave function parameters, for transition metal ions the the values
 #are tabulated in Clementi & Roetti Atomic data and nuclear data tables 14 
 #(1974) 177-478, the radial wave function is expanded as
 # R(r)=sum_p Cp r^(Np-1) exp(-XIp r)(2 XIp)^(Np+0.5)/sqrt(2Np!)
 #rare earth:Freeman&Watson PR127(1962)2058,Sovers J.Phys.Chem.Sol.28(1966)1073
 #e.g. Co2+ is isoelectronic to Fe+, looking at page 422
 #of Clemente & Roetti the parameters are 
 N1=3 XI1=4.95296 C1=0.36301 
 N2=3 XI2=12.2963 C2=0.02707 
 N3=3 XI3=7.03565 C3=0.14777


  • stdout ... sipf file with CEF pars,radial matrix elements,Stevens factors, pointcharges and positions (omit with option -o)
  • results\pointc.out ...contains results of convergence when summing up contributions of different neighbours one by one...
  • results\pointc.Blm ... Crystal field parameters $B_l^m$ in Stevens Notation
  • results\pointc.Llm ... Crystal field parameters $L_l^m$ in Wybourne Notation
  • results\pointc.dBlm .. for option -d derivatives $dB_l^m/du$
  • results\pointc.dLlm .. for option -d derivatives $dL_l^m/du$, derivatives are with respect to $u=$neighborposition$(\AA)/a_0$
powdercell2j file:
used to create mcphas.j type file from output of powdercell,output is written to mcphas.j. Example of input file:
  No   name       crystal coordinates          cartesian coordinates
                 x        y        z           x        y        z
  1     Sr1    0.3644   0.0000   0.2500     1.0962  -4.1497  -2.7991
radwavfunc file.sipf:
program to evaluate the radial wave function given by th parametrisation in file.sipf.
reduce_unitcell mcphas.j:
This program checks every atom in the unit cell in file mcphas.j and removes any atom, which is connected to another by a lattice vector. Useful for going from a description in an extended unit cell to the primitive unit cell.
Option: -nofcomponents 23
fixes the nofcomponents to 23 by reducing (removing entries) or increasing (by filling with zeroes) the exchange parameter tables
Option: -ni
forces output without indexchange
Option: -delatoms 1,2,5,7
instead of removing atoms connected by a lattice vector remove atoms number 1,2,5 and 7 from the list and also all interactions with those
Option: -delatoms 1:3+-0.75:4+-0.25,2,5,7
removes atoms number 1,2,5,7 for atom 1 the interactions are transferred to 75% to atom 3 and 25% to atom 4 and interactions to atoms 3 and 4 are removed, for 2 5 7 all the interactions with other atoms are removed
Option: -v
verbose mode
    Rotates a set of  crystal field  parameters for  Stevens equivalent
    operators by an azimuthal angle fi about the original z axis and
    a polar angle theta about the new y axis. A right hand axis system is assumed
    and a positive rotation is one which advances a right-hand screw in a
    positive direction along the axis.

    The calculations are  done by means of matrix  multiplication based on
    the method of Buckmaster (phys. stat. sol. a, vol 13,  pp 9, 1972) and
    Rudowicz (J. Phys: Solid State Phys., vol 18, pp 1415, 1985).   

    usage: $0 [-h] [--help] 
              [-i input_file] [--input input_file]
	      [-o output_file] [--output output_file]
              [-v] [--verbose] [-th theta] [-fi fi] [CF parameters]

     -h          : this (help) message
     -i in_file  : input CF parameters file in cfield or mcphase formats
     -o out_file : output CF parameters file in mcphase format
     -v          : verbose mode. Will print out input parameters as read.
     -th	 : polar angle theta in degrees
     -fi         : azimuthal angle fi in degrees

    if -i is omitted, the program will  assume the input CF parameters are
          given on the command line in the format: Bkq=x.xx,Bkq=x.xx, etc.
          e.g. $0 B20=0.21,B40=0.0005,B60=0.051,B66=0.626
    negative q parameters such as B_2^{-2},  are specified as:  B22S, with 
          an 'S' at the end, as per the McPhase convention.
    you may also  specify the ion type by a dding another  parameter after
          the CF parameters: e.g. $0 B20=0.21,B40=0.5 Pr3+
    if -o is omitted, the program prints the parameters to standard output.
setup_jqfit[-h] [–help] h k l:
program to setup a fit of exchange parameters in order to reproduce an experimental propagation vector.
     -h          : print help message
      hkl        : Miller indices of propagation vector

    required input files:

    mcphas.j (+ single ion paramter files)
                 :  structural information including all magnetic atoms

    output files:

    mcdisp.par   :  contains propagation vector and list of other hkl to
                    be probed    :  required input file for mcdisp
    calcsta      :  required input file for simannfit and searchspace file with fitparameters for Bethe slater, RKKY fits
    fit.bat      :  batch to start the fit

After running this program you can start immediately a fit of exchange parameters. Edit and fit.bat to fine tune the fit according to your needs. During fitting a value of sta $< 1$  indicates, that the maximum of $J(Q)$ is at the propagation vector tau. How much it is below one depends on the magnitude of $J(Q)$ for the competing wavevectors in the list inmcdisp.par.

setup_mcdiff_in T Ha Hb Hc:
setup_mcdiff_in x y:
program to setup with information on spinconfiguration to be used by program mcdiff. Note, you must have done a mcphas calculation to stabilise a magnetic structure at the desired Temperature/Field. setup_mcdiff_in reads the results of this calculation from results/ and generates an input file

     -h          : help  message
      T          : Temperature (K)
      Ha,Hb,Hc   : Magnetic Field (T)
     x,y         : x,y values in phasediagram

    required input files:

                 :  result of a mcphas calculation

    optional input files:
                 :  if present experimental parameters (section 1)
                    and nonmagnetic atoms (section 2) are taken from
                    this file

    output files:    :  required input file for mcdiff

    - after running this program you can start mcdiff to do the calculation
      magnetic diffraction pattern
setup_mcdisp_mf T Ha Hb Hc:
setup_mcdisp_mf x y:

program to with information on meanfields to be used by program mcdisp. Note, you must have done a mcphas calculation to stabilise a magnetic structure at the desired Temperature/Field. setup_mcdisp_mf reads the results of this calculation from results/ and puts the meanfields into

     -h          : this (help) message
      T          : Temperature (K)
      Ha,Hb,Hc   : Magnetic Field (T)
      x,y        : x,y values in phasediagram

    required input files:

                 :  result of a mcphas calculation

    output files:    :  required input file for mcdisp

    - after running this program you can start mcdisp to do the calculation
      of dispersion of excitations or diffuse scattering
setup_mcphasjforfit [-h]:
program to setup a fit of exchange parameters by creating mcphas.j.forfit from mcphas.j

     -h          : print help message

    required input files:

    mcphas.j (+ single ion parameter files)
                 :  structural information including all magnetic atoms

    output files:

    mcphas.j.forfit  : all interaction parameters are substituted
                       with parJxxx[0.0,-1e0,1e0,0,1e-6]

    - after running this program you must setup a file calcsta 
      to calculate the standard deviation and then you can start
      a fit by simannfit or searchspace
singleion [options] T[K] Hexta[T] Hextb[T] Hextc[T] Hxc1 Hxc2 Hxc3 ... Hxcnofcomponents
single ion - calculate single ion expectations values $<Ia>, <Ib> $... and transition energies. Options may be used to trigger calculation of magnetic Moment and other Quantities.
           T    ..... temperature in Kelvin
           Hext ..... external field in Tesla 
           Hxc... exchange (molecular) field in meV
singleion reads mcphas.j and the singleion parameter files quoted therein and calculates energies, eigenstates, expectation values $<I>$ for the given temperature, external magnetic field Hext and exchange field Hxc (the interaction constants given in mcphas.j are ignored).

for each single ion property file the following files are generated:

   results/file.sipf.levels.cef .. energy levels and eigenstates and <I>
   results/file.sipf.trs ......... transition energies,matrix elements
                                   and (powder) neutron intensities
   results/_file.sipf    ......... input parameter files as read and used by singleion 

options: -nt ......... by default only 5 transition energies are output,
                       if you want more, start e.g. with 
                       option -nt 7 to output 7 transition energies
         -pinit 0.1 .. consider only transitions with population of initial state > 0.1
         -ninit 3  ... consider only transitions from the 3 lowest eigenstates
         -maxE 30  ... consider only transitions with energy lower than 30 meV
         -r ion.sipf . do not read mcphas-j but only the single ion
                       parameter file ion.sipf
         -M  ......... calculate expectation values and transition matrix
                       elements for magnetic moment M instead of I
         -MQ 0 0 1 ... instead of <I> calculate expectation values, transition matrix elements
                       for M(Q=(0 0 1)/A), the Fourier Transform  of magnetic moment density M(r)
         -S  ......... calculate expectation values and transition matrix
                       elements for spin S
         -L  ......... calculate expectation values and transition matrix
                       elements for orbital momentum L
         -v       .... verbose, output more information on ongoing calculation
         -Tsteps 10 27 in addition to initial temperature calculate 10 further temperatures
                       until 27K has been reached
         -Hsteps 20 0 0 10 in addition to initial field calculate 20 further external fields
                       until (0 0 10) Tesla has been reached
         -opmat 2 .... output operator matrix number n=2 to results/op.mat
                Operators in output results/op.mat for different values of n:
                n=0                    Hamiltonian
                n=1,...,nofcomponents  operator Matrix In in standard basis
                n=-1,..,-nofomponents  operator Matrix In for Hamiltonian eigenstates basis
                n>nofomponents: all operator Matrices (n=0 to n=nofcomponents) in standard basis
                n<-nofomponents: all operator Matrices (n=0 to n=-nofcomponents) in Hamiltonian eigenstates basis

note: for calculating T or H dependencies you can put single ion in a loop
       and pipe the result into a file

  .... linux:   for B in $(seq 0 0.1 14); do singleion 2 $B 0 0 0 0 0; done > results/fielddep.dat

  .... windows command line: for /L %B in (0,1,14)  do singleion 2 %B 0 0 0 0 0 >> results\fielddep.dat

  .... windows batch file (needed for noninteger numbers):
          @echo off && setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
          for /L %%I in (0,2,140) do ( set /A W=%%I/10 && set /A "f = %%I %% 10"
          set B=!w!.!f!
          @echo on && singleion 2 0 0 !B! 0 0 0 && @echo off )
          endlocal && @echo on 
...  LOOP linux using perl:
perl -e 'for($T=1;$T<90;$T+=2){system("singleion ".$T." 1 0 0   0 0 0");}' > results/sus1Tesla.clc
 ... LOOP for windows using perl:
perl -e "for($T=1;$T<90;$T+=2){system('singleion '.$T.' 1 0 0   0 0 0');}" > results\sus1Tesla.clc'

Calculates via group theory, the allowed two-ion multipolar exchange terms between two ions whose center has some particular point symmetry. Syntax is: "symhmltn $\langle$PTGP$\rangle$ $\langle$l$\rangle$" where $\langle$PTGP$\rangle$ is the name of the point group (both Hermman-Maguin and Schoenflies notation are understood), and $\langle$l$\rangle$ is the integer multipolar order (l=1 for dipolar exchange, l=2 for quadrupolar, etc.). E.g. "symhmltn Oh 1" gives the familiar Heisenberg exchange terms. See also: cfsplit which calculates the multiplicities of the crystal field split levels of a particular point group.