Programs for Manipulation of Columns and Lines in Data Files

Datafiles usually contain columns of numbers, for example:

# T(K) mu0H(T)  M(mb/T)  [comment lines start with '#' ]
1      1      0.9
2      1      0.6
3      1      0.4
4      1      0.3
5      1      0.25

The following programs manipulate such data files, for example the program delcol deletes a column from a data file, some general features are:

acoscol col[ecolerr] file:
calculates arccosine of a column arccos(col)
add colx1 coly1[ecoly1err] file1 colx2 coly2[ecoly1err] file2:
program to add functions y1(x1) with (optional) y1err and y2(x2) with (optional y2err) taken from data file1 and data file2

file1, file2
colx, coly, colyerr
columns containing x and y=f(x) and yerror values
contains in coly1=coly1+f2(colx1) and in coly1err=sqrt[coly1err$^2$+f2err(colx1)$^2$] f2(colx1) is calculated by linear interpolation f2(colx1)= (colx1-colx2(n)*(coly2(n+1)-coly2(n))/(colx2(n+1)-colx2(n)) f2err(colx1)= (colx1-colx2(n)*(coly2err(n+1)-coly2err(n))/(colx2(n+1)-colx2(n))
note: colx2 has to be sorted in file2
addcol colx[ecolxerr] coly[ecolyerr] file:
adds column x and column y of file, result is stored in col y Optional - error is added using the error columns colxerr and colyerr by colyerr=sqrt(colxerr*colxerr+colyerr*colyerr)
asincol col const file:
calculates arcsine of a column arcsine(col)
atancol col const file:
calculates arctangens of a column arctan(col)
average [option] n file:
program average used to reduce the amount of data in a datafile by deleting close data points. The program takes sets of n lines in file and outputs one line instead of the n lines. By default the the data line in the middle of the n line block is output.

-h, -help
middle point is taken (default)
first point is taken
last point is taken
points are averaged
points are added
for column 12,13,14 datapoints are added up and the sum is output
median of points is calculated and output
takes instead of n lines a variable number of lines determined by the condition that data in column n is closer than dmin

chi2 col1 col2 col3 *.*
is used to calculate the chi-squared from 3 columns in a file: if col1, col2 and col3 are calculation, experiment and experimental error, respectively, then chisquared is defined as $\chi^2=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{({\rm col2}_i-{\rm %%@
col1}_i)^2}{{\rm col3_i}^2}$. For each datapoint the program outputs a line sta= deviation$^2$ (experimental error)$^2$ to stdout. This may be used directly for generating useful input for fitting in simannfit.
comment l1 l2 file:
comments all lines from l1 and l2 (with #) in a file
compare file1 file2:
used to compare data file1 and data file2 all columns and rows are compared and a standard deviation is calculated according to sum_i (file1_i - file2_i)2̂ this standard deviation is output to stdout, e.g. as sta=143.3
convolute c1 c2 file cx cy convfuncfile [d1 d2 datafile]:
convolutes data given as column c1 vs column c2 in file (data pairs $x_i,y_i$) with the convolution function given in column cx vs cy of convfuncfile (function $c(x)$) Range and step width of output file is determined from range and step of convfuncfile unless a datafile is given. Values out of range of convfile are assumed to be zero, convfile has to be sorted according to ascending x. Formula: $f(x)=\sum_i y_i c(x-x_i)$ , output is written to stdout.

If a datafile is given, with data column d1 and d2, the result of the convolution is calculated for x-values of data column d1 and $f(x)$ is compared to data in column d2 - a standard deviation sta is calculated as sum of squared deviations. As output the datafile is given, however with a scaled column d2 and 2 additional columns are added containing the calculated results of the convolution and the original unscaled data. standard deviation, area of curves etc are output to stdout and to environment variables MCPHASE_STA etc.

convolute2d c1 c2 c3 file cx cy cz convfuncfile minx maxx Nx miny maxy Ny:
convolutes a 2 dimensional function data given as column c3(c1,c2) in file (data tripls $x_i,y_i, z_i$) with the convolution function given in column cx vs cy vs cz of convfuncfile (function $c(x,y)$) Range and number of points of output file is determined from minx maxx Nx and miny, maxy Ny. Formula: $f(x,y)=\sum_i z_i c(x-x_i,y-y_i)$ . In the program the contribution to the sum is evaluated for a discrete triplet cx cy cz of the convolution function, the resulting x,y will not correspond to a point on the grid defined by minx, max Nx, miny,maxy Ny - therefore the contribution is distributed (according to distance) onto the neighbouring grid points. output is written to stdout.
coscol col const file:
calculates cosinus of a column cos(col)
delcol col file:
deletes column col in file
delcols col n file:
deletes column col several (n) times in file
delcomments *.*
removes every comment line (starting with #) from a file and prints the removed lines to screen
delline l1 l2 file:
deletes lines l1 to l2 in file
delnthline n file
remove every nth line (n$>$2) in file
dif colx coly n *.*:
used to calculate d(coly)/d(colx) with differentiation averaging n points
display 5[e7] 6[e8] ./results/mcdisp.qei [colx coly file2]
displays a graphic on screen as xy graph with column 5 as x axis and columns 6 as y axis. By default graphic is a line graph. However, if error columns (in the example x error column is 7 and y error column is 8) are given, then symbols with x and y error bars are shown. Several files can be plotted in the same graph by extending the commandline. If the contents of a file changes, the plot is automatically updated.
displaybubbles 5 6 8 ./results/mcdisp.qei
works similar as display, however a third column is given and the radius of the symbols varied according to the data in this column.
displaycontour 5 6 8 ./results/mcdisp.dsigma.tot
produces a graphical display of a 3 dimensional dataset as a colour and/or contour plot. Here '5 6 8' denote the x,y and z column in file ./results/mcdisp.dsigma.tot, which should be plotted. Figure 12 shows an sample output of this program.
displaytext ./results/mcphas.hkl
monitors the file mcphas.hkl in a text window on screen.
displayhtml calc.bat.html
monitors the file calc.bat.html in a text window on screen.
expcol col const file:
calculates exponent of a column exp(col)
factcol col[ecolerr] const file:
expcol col const file:
multiplies col with a constant in file, a error colmn may be given and is also multiplied by the absvalue of the constant.
fform col1 col2 format file:
expcol col const file:
reformats numbers in col1 to col2 in file with a number format given by format. Format is a number format string according to c conventions, for example 8.4f or 4.4g ...
fillcol col expression *.*
used to fill column with numbers in data file
 col       ....   column
 expression ...   e.g. 'tan(c1x7.52)+c2'
                  here c1,c2,.. refer to column 1,2,...
                  operations are multiplication (x), division(/)
                  addition (+), subtraction(-), power (xx)
                  trigonometric functions tan,cos,sin, asin,atan,acos
                  exp,(natural) log
 *.*       ....   filenname
fitcol coldata prog col parprog1 parprog2 ... [] in filename:
simple fitting program for data in coldata.
               []=[and prog col parprog1 parprog2 ... [and ...]]

          coldata ...... column number of data column to be fitted
          prog    ...... program name, e.g. shiftcol
          col     ...... column to which prog should be applied
          parprog1 ..... parameter of the program prog, which should be fitted
          filename... filename

    in order to fit data in column coldata, prog is run many times on
    the column col with varying parameter set parprog1 ..., the result
    is scaled to fit best the experimental data. If several programs
    are combined with option 'and' then the best linear combination of the
    results is calculated by linear regression to fit coldata.

    Starting values for the parameters parprog are taken from the
    commandline. initial Stepwidths are chosen 10percent of parameter value, or may
    be given by adding them to the parameter with an 's', e.g. 100.3s0.1
    If a parameter should not be fitted and kept fix, add an 'f', e.g. 100.3f

    output: - files can be found in directory results
            - is created with fitted function and parameter values

    1) to fit a gaussian to column 2 in datafile expdat (with xvalues in column 1)
    with starting values 132.3, 0.5 and 10 for position, fwhm and area, respectively:

    fitcol 2 gausscol 1 132.3 0.5 10 in exp.dat

    2) to do the same fit but with a background create a column 3, fill it
       with constant values and use echo as a fake column manipulation program
      doing nothing.

   newcol 3 -c 1.0 exp.dat
   fitcol 2 gausscol 1 132.3 0.5 10 and rem 3 in exp.dat

   3) to do the same with a linear background, put into a column 4 the x values

   newcol 4 -c 4.0 exp.dat
   fitcol 2 gausscol 1 132.3 0.5 10 and rem 3 and rem 4 in exp.dat

   4) to fit two gaussians with fixed fwhm and stepping in position initially
    only with 0.1

   fitcol 2 gausscol 1 132.3s0.1 0.5f 10 and  gausscol 1 100.3s0.1 0.5f 10 and rem 3 and rem 4 in exp.dat

gausscol col position fwhm area *.*:
calculate a gaussian from the x values given in column col.

The formula for a gaussian is: $\sigma={\rm fwhm}/\sqrt{8*log(2)}$, ${\rm gauss}(x)=\frac{{\rm area} exp(-(x-{\rm position})^2/2 \sigma^2)}{\sqrt{2*\pi}\sigma}$

getvalue colx coly xvalue dx filename
program to get the y-value of a function by averaging over an interval xvalue+-dx, note: colx has to be sorted
 output: the y-value is written to stdout and environment variable MCPHASE_YVALUE
         1/y-value is written to stdout MCPHASE_YVALUE_INVERSE
         standarddeviation to stdaout and MCPHASE_STA
getvariable variablename filename
program to get the value of a variable from a file (e.g. somewhere in a file there is a statement T=4.3 and you want to get out this 4.3)
 output: the variable value is written to stdout and environment variable 
         MCPHASE_GETVARIABLE_VALUE, the name is stored in 
        mind lines starting with # are ignored (unless these start with #!)
histcol col [stepwidth|-n steps] *.*:
generates a histogram of a column in a data file and stores it in histcol.out. stepwidth is the stepwidth of the histogram points. Alternatively the number of steps in the histogram may be given by e.g. -n 100.
int [-m] colx coly *.*:
program to integrate columnx vs columny=f(x), integration is done point by point, the result goes to the data file, the total integral INT=$\int f(x)dx$ is printed to stdout and set to the environment variable MCPHASE_INT. option -m: n-th moments are calculated according to $\mu_1=\int x f(x)dx$/INT, $\mu_n=\int (x-\mu_1)^n f(x)dx$/INT. The results go to stdout and environment variables MCPHASE_INT_MU_1, MCPHASE_INT_MU_2,MCPHASE_INT_MU_3 ... are set.

linreg col n file:
calculates linear regression of n columns in file
          col     ...... column containing y_k values followed by
          n       ...... n columns containing x_ik (i=1 to n)
	  filename... filename

    the program calculates the linear regression, i.e. the best values
    of coefficients ai such that y_k~sum_i a_i*x_ik for every data line k
    in the file. The n linear regression equations solved to determin a_i
    are (i,j=1 ...n):

     sum_k x_jk y_k = sum_i a_i (sum_k x_ik * x_jk)

   Output: - sdtoud: best coefficients a_i  and standard deviation
             sta=sum_k (y_k-sum_i a_i*x_ik)^2
           - file: new column col+n+1 contining sum_i a_i*x_ik

lorentzcol col position fwhm area:
calculate a lorentzian from a column with x values, the formula for a Lorentz curve is: ${\rm lorentz}(x)=\frac{1.0}{\pi{\rm fwhm}(1.0+(x-{\rm position})^2/fwhm^2)}$
multcol colx coly file:
multiplies column x and column y of file, result is stored in col y
newcol col [options] file:
creates a new column col in file containing the line numbe. option: -c 12.3 ... instead of line number put constant 12.3 into the new column
newcols col n [options] file:
creates n new columns from column col in file. New columns are inserted after column col and contain the same data as column col. options: -c 12.3 ... put constant 12.3 into the new columns, -n ... put line number into the new column.
newline n text file:
creates a new line number n in file containing the text
potcol col const file:
col=col$^{\rm const}$ in file
range col min max file:
deletes (comments out) all data points outside min max in column col of file file (remember to store your full data set in some other file before using this command), # is used to comment lines
rotate xcol ycol angle file:
program rotate used to rotate coordinate axes, xcol,yxol=columns containing x and y , angle=angle $\alpha$ of rotation around z.

The rotation is done using the following formula:

$\displaystyle x'$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \cos(\alpha)*x+\sin(\alpha)*y$ 
$\displaystyle y'$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -\sin(\alpha)*x+\cos(\alpha)*y$(140)
rpvalue colx coly *.*:
program rpvalue used to calculate the $R_p$-value from columns number colx and coly in a file *.*. The $R_p$-value is defined as
  $\displaystyle R_p= 100*\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \vert(x(i)-y(i)\vert}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}\vert x(i)\vert}
$ (141)
$N$ denotes the number of data points in the file.
setvalue row column text files:
sets the numerical value in a specified position of a data file.

     row         : row number
     column    : column number
     number   : text to be placed in file at this position
     files         : one or more filenames

    example: $0 4 5 3.142 data.dat
             replaces the number in row 4 and column 5 by 3.142 in file data.dat
shiftcol col const *.*:
used to add a constant (const) to a column (number col) in file(s) *.*
sincol col const file:
calculates sinus of a column sin(col)
sumcol col *.*
prints to stdout number of lines, sum of squares, sum of absolute values of column col in file *.*
swapcol colx coly file:
swaps column x and column y of file
tancol col file:
calculates tangens of a column tan(col)
tanhcol col file:
calculates tangens-hyperbolicus of a column tanh(col)
uvw2fwhm u v w col *.*:
used to calculate the full width half maximum from 2theta in degree according to fullprofs u,v,w parameters ... The column col in file *.* must contain 2theta scattering angle values and is overwritten with the fwhm as calculated by
  $\displaystyle {\rm fwhm }= \sqrt {u \tan^2(\theta) + v \tan(\theta) + w}
$ (142)
zshift constx colx coly *.*:
shifts colx by a constant such that it is zero at a specified value constx of colx.