introduced self consistent treatment of exchange striction, see section 12
bugs removed: fecalc evalfe was not full multithreading, ic1ion and icf1ion cfp were buggy
introduced experimental error in fit/mcphas.fum for calculation of sta
and allow for fitting of any quantity in mcphas.fum
singleion option -Tsteps -Hsteps -v introduced to allow simple loops with high speed
pointc: a standard deviation sta of calculated to input cf parameters can be calculated (option -s)
fform extended, option -t to format year month day hour min second into timestamp in seconds
getvalue improved to do interpolation, too (dx=0)
check of righthandedness of primitive lattice in reading mcphas.j introduced
display_density, densplt enabled to read exchange field components from command line
cif2mcphas reading of atomic positions extended to be able to put something such as
(C1+Tm2)/2 (C1+Tm2)/2 (C1+Tm2)/2
for a position instead of 0.253(23) 0.423 0.5,
option -nm (nonmagnetic) introduced to force nonmagnetic atoms
reduce_unitcell: check if atoms are in primitive unit cell, if not
move them there, option -delatoms introduced to allow to delete atoms from mcphas.j
TmNiC example created, using electron point charges on bondings
and solving linear equation system to calculate some point charges
given and from high T expansion of inverse magnetic susceptibility
revised to make possible exchange striction calculations using option -djdx -djdy -djdz,
bug in elastic constants formula found and corrected