If the program calcsta has been set up, the fitting is started
by the command (in the example you should go to the directory /mcphas/examples/cecu2a/fit)
simannfit 10 [-t 1000][-s 100000] [-n 200] mcphas.jjj [and possible other input parameter files].
- The ”10” in the command means that the initial statistical
”temperature” of the algorithm
is set to 10.
OPTIONS for ...
- -w 1.4
- before starting simannfit, multiply all stepwidths by factor 1.4
- -r 0.2
- before starting simannfit, set all stepwidths to parameter
range=max-min times 0.2,
- -f 0.2
- before starting simannfit, set all stepwidths to parameter value
times 0.2, however never smaller than parameterrange/1000
- -p 20
- probing parameter space: stepwidths are not decreased during
fitting, new set of pars
are generated and for all sets par in
results/simannfit.p and results/simannfit.n are scanned and
is calculated. If
(=number of parameters)
for all sets par, then
is calculated. if
of initial parameters
is appended to the list in results/simannfit.p
up to 20 parameters are appended to this list, after that the program stops.
the program also stops if step ratio reaches a value
(step ratio
is a factor applied to all (maximum) stepwidths before generating a step in the random walk
It is decreased each successful step in the random walk and increased to find an
acceptable step (distance criteria) to try
thus, to probe a large region of parameter space do not set statistical
temperature too low to enable efficient stepping. On the other hand to
probe only the vicinity of a optimum in every direction of parameter
space a small statistical inital temperature is necessary
- in this way a series of equally good solutions can be explored.
- -s0 filename
- instead of results/simannfit.n use filename to store/read
- -s1 filename
- instead of results/simannfit.p use filename to store/read
- -i 23
- for storing in results/simannfit.* use index .23 instead of .0 as suffix
- -n 50
- allows to store every 50 steps the parametersets in a table in results/simannfit.n
(appending existing file).
- -jpglog 3.5e-1 file.jpg
- if sta is less then 3.5e-1, then the image file.jpg
(which should be created by calcsta) is copied to results/parsetnr.jpg
a html tag is added to results/simannfit.n or results/simannfit.p if
- -log 1.3 batchfile.bat
- if sta is less then 3.5e-1, then execute the file
batchfile, with sta as argument, which can be adressed in the batch
file with $1 (linux) or %1 (windows)
- -h
- Histograms are store in results/par*.hst for review of the variation
of parameters during the run of simannfit.
- -d
- store percentage of different contributions to sta in file results/simannfit.dst
- -l 0.2
- sets limit - program will end if
- -t 100
- sets time limit until program end to 100 seconds
- -s 132
- gives maximal number of iteration steps 132 to be done
- -c
- continue at end of program - do not ask for pressing enter
Note that the user written program calcsta has to be in the
directory where simannfit is started from.
The program generates for each parameter a histogram file showing the number of occurrences
of a certain parameter value in solutions, where sta decreased.