1st International Spring School on



May 10 - 13, 2011

The first international school on McPhase (a software suite for calculating magnetic/orbital phase diagrams and excitations: https://mcphase.github.io/webpage) was held at the University of Oviedo, in Gijon on May 10-13, 2011. This school was oriented mainly for PhD students or young investigators.

The general scheme of the school was dealing with fundamental and applied aspects of d and f elements. The school was organized in two main sessions: on the mornings introductory talks on different subjects were given (exchange interactions, crystal field anisotropy, high order interactions,..); while the afternoons were concentrated on practical sessions using the McPhase software suite .

The Symposium comprised invited lectures from distinguished scientists on the field, oral presentations and poster presentations. The Symposium's official language was English.

Symposium Organizer: J.A. Blanco, M. Rotter and P. Gorria

University of Oviedo · Spain


