We offer Courses/Schools/Workshops Mailing List User Groups Projects Additional Software Publications Sponsors

McPhase is an open source program package for the

calculation of magnetic properties

...and much more

Online Manual

For a Download Link or USB Stick Distribution - please contact mcphase[at]icloud.com
Latest version is McPhase 5.5

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Courses/Schools/Workshops for Mcphase Users:

McPhase 2024, McPhase Online MicroWorkshop 7.-11. October 2024 Information and Registration

McPhase 2025, McPhase MicroWorkshop in Venice, Italy 26. Jan. -1. Feb 2025 Information and Registration

Workshop History

To organise a McPhase tutorial course, contact mcphase[at]icloud.com

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We offer

* McPhase Courses and workshops

* McPhase Email Service - assistance in installing and running the program (institutions: 500€/year , individuals 100€/year)

* Collaboration in McPhase Simulations for specific Systems/Compounds

* Software Development for specific software, which will become public when sufficient funding has been reached

Contact: mcphase[at]icloud.com

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Mailing List:

to subscribe to the McPhase mailing list, contact mcphase[at]icloud.com

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McPhase Projects and Development Team

Project (to support contact mcphase[at]icloud.com)

Development Status

Price (estimate)

Funding Status

A Cluster Module & Easy Setup of Coupled Cluster Calculations 80% 8000 € 27%
Improved Sampling Method in Powder Spectra (program powdermagnon) 0% 1000€ 0%
Option to output Operator Matrices (program singleion) 100% 400€ 100%
Graphics Program to visualize Magnetic Interactions listed in mcphas.j 100% 4000€ 100%
Youtube Movie on how to get McPhase installed 0% 200€ 0%
Formfactor Coefficients for 5d Elements Database 0% 200€ 0%
McPhase MAC/OS Version of McPhase 50% 6000€ 0%
Symmetrize Interactions in mcphas.j by applying Space Group Symmetry 0% 16000€ 0%
Crystal-Field-Phonon Coupling - Calculation of Neutron Spectra 100% 2000€ 100%

Extending McPhase to include Stress tensor




Martin Rotter, Scientific Consultant, McPhase Project

Duc Manh Le, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

Joachim Keller, University of Regensburg, Germany

Till Hoffmann, Lucian Pascut, University of Oxford, Department of Physics Clarendon Laboratory, UK

R. Schedler, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Berlin, Germany
M. Doerr, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

P. Fabi né Hoffmann, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
S. Rotter, Wien, Austria

M. Banks, Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany

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McPhase is sponsored by:

Center for Correlated Electron Systems,
Institute for Basic Sciences, Korea

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden

Institute for Solid State Physics
Technical University Dresden

Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Außenstelle am MLZ Garching (2015-2016)

Institute for Solid State Physics
University of Tokyo

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Additional Software:

Linux: PerlDataLanguage: *pdl   PageplotGraphicsLibrary:   *pgplot5.2.2    PerlBindingforPgPlot: *pgplotperl2.18  
Windows:  PowderCell  GnuCompilers: mingw and msys


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McPhase User Groups

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Important Publications


last update 1. Jun. 2024 Impressum Datenschutzerklaerung