This routine is optional, i.e. may be programed but is not absolutely necessary. It provides the designer of a single ion module with the possiblity to store information, usually the eigenvalues and eigenstates of a problem. This can be very useful to accelerate computations. For example, the module mcdisp provides to the single ion module functions du1calc and dMQ1 and similar at every call the matrix estates which has been set initially for every atom by a call to estates.
At the start of the programs mcdisp singleion the function estates is called (if present in the module) and it should initialize the Complex Matrix by a command such as
and fill this matrix with sensible numerical values for the effective field, temperature given. Parameters MODPAR and Lande Factor gJ may be used for this purpose.
The routine should look similar to
#include "vector.h" // MatPack vector class must be included #ifdef __linux__ extern "C" void estates( #else extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void estates( #endif // on output ComplexMatrix * ests, // eigenstate matrix // it must also contain population // numbers p_i of the states (imaginary part of row 0) // and eigenvalues (real part of row 0) // on input Hxc , // vector of exchange field [meV] (can be n-dimensional, for a set of n operators) Hext , // external magnetic field [T] double *g_J, // Input Lande g-factor double &T, // Input temperature (K) Vector &MODPAR, // Input vector of parameters from //single ion property file char **sipffilename)// Single ion properties filename { // ... some code to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues dj=21; // dimension matrix according to the dimension of your eigenvalue problem (*ests) = ComplexMatrix(0,dj,1,dj); Vector En(1,dj),pn(1,dj);Matrix zr(1,dj,1,dj);Matrix zi(1,dj,1,dj); setup_and_solve_Hamiltonian(Hxc,Hext,En,zr,zi,sort); // call some function to solve your Hamiltonian for(i=1;i<=dj;++i)for(j=1;j<=dj;++j)(*ests)(i,j)=complex <double> (zr(i,j),zi(i,j)); // fill matrix with eigenstates //calculate partition sum and Boltzmann probabilities pn double zz;calculate_Z_pn(En,T,zz,pn); // put Energies and Boltzmann population into row 0 of eigenstates... for(j=1;j<=dj;++j){(*eigenstates)(0,j)=complex<double>(En(j),pn(j));} }Note: if