How To ... ?
... in version 5.1
How To ... ?
Frequently asked Questions
Getting Started ... List of Examples
The Hamiltonian
Rare Earth Ions
Intermediate Coupling
singleion - a Crystal Field Program for Calculating Energy Levels, Transition Matrix Elements etc.
Doing Single Ion Calculations
Example - how to evaluate the crystal field of NdCu
Using the so1ion module in McPhase and McDisp
mcphas - calculation of thermodynamic properties (Magnetisation, Susceptibility, Specific Heat, Neutron Diffraction, etc.)
Input Files
Starting a simulation
Options for a running simulation
Output Files -,phs,sps,mf,fum,j1...,xyt,hkl
mcdiff - calculate and fit magnetic Neutron or Resonant Xray Scattering
How to generate and view a powder diffraction profile
How to calculate only specific reflections, azimuth dependence and fitting of neutron intensities
Formalism I - Resonant Magnetic Xray Scattering Intensity
Formalism II - Neutron Cross section
Going beyond the Dipole Approximation for the Neutron Form factor
mcdisp - the Calculation Program for Magnetic Excitations
Viewing the results of McDisp
Diffuse Scattering
Powder Neutron Cross Section
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering(RIXS)
Including Quadrupolar and Higher Order Interactions
Setting up mcphas.j and other input files
Option indexexchange in order to shorten notation in mcphas.j
Running McPhase and McDisp
Including Phonons and Crystal-Field Phonon interactions
Using Single Ion Module phonon
Crystal Field Phonon Interaction
Elastic Energy
Mixing term
The lattice dynamic terms
The total Crystal field Phonon Interaction Hamiltonian
Progam Workflow
Single Ion Modules
Landé Factor
Magnetic Formfactor Coefficients
Debye Waller Factor
Nuclear Neutron Scattering Length
Radial Wavefunction
Radial Matrix Elements
All about Programming External Single Ion Modules
Basic Module Functions
Module Functions for Observables
ic1ion - a module for intermediate coupling
using ic1ion as a stand-alone program to do crystal field calculations
cpic1ion - calculation of the specific heat from ic1ion.out
using ic1ion as a module in mcphas,mcdiff,mcdisp,...
icf1ion - Intermediate Crystal Field module
Formalism for going beyond the dipolar approximation
bfk - Inelastic neutron-scattering from RE ions in a crystal field including damping effects due to the exchange interaction with conduction electrons
Programs for Graphical display of calculated data
Programs display, displaybubbles, displaycontour, displaytext and show - graphical display of any xy data such as magnetisation etc.
Programs display_density - display of the charge- spin- moment- current- density of a single ion
Programs display_densities - display of the superstructure and excitations
Program hkl, hkl2d and mcdiff - graphical display of magnetic diffraction intensity
Program phased - graphical display of magnetic phase diagrams
Program felog - display logged free energy for different moment configurations at a temperature/field (linux with pgplot grphic library only)
Searchspace and Simannfit - Fitting Experimental Data
Setting up parameter files for fitting
Telling the fitting program, how to calculate the standard deviation sta which should be minimised
Starting a parameter space search
analysing the results of searchspace
Starting a fit
Stopping a fit/parameter space search
Fitting is an art: some general remarks
Programs for Specific Tasks in the World of McPhase
Programs for Manipulation of Columns and Lines in Data Files
Programs of General Interest
Module kramer - a Kramers Ground State Doublet Single Ion Module
Module brillouin - an Isotropic Spin Single Ion Module
C - single ion module
C - single ion module
Crystal Field and Parameter Conventions
Tesseral Harmonics
Stevens Operators
Symmetry considerations for Crystal Field Parameters
Transforming Crystal Field Parameters by Rotation of the Coordinate System
Magnetic Form factors for Neutrons
Magnetic Form factors for Neutrons- ZK coefficients for Rare Earth Ions
Derivation of the Chargedensity Formula
Dynamical Susceptibility and Excitations - Formalism for mcdisp
DMD - formalism
Calculation of the Correlation Function of Physical Observables
Evaluating results - Graphical Visualisation of Spin and Charge Oscillations of Excitations
Application to Neutron scattering
Dipole Approximation
Theory for program bfk - Inelastic neutron-scattering from RE ions in a crystal field including damping effects due to the exchange interaction with conduction electrons
Solution of the exercises
Unit Conventions in McPhase
Installation of the program package
Shortlist of important Commands and Input Files