Unit Conventions in McPhase

In most cases units of input parameters and output properties in McPhase cannot be modified and are fixed in the program code. In output files usually the unit is given in the column header. In table (9) the unit conventions are listed.

Table 9: Units in the program package McPhase:
Physical Quantity symbol unit typical file(s)
Charge CHARGE $\vert e\vert$ *.sipf
Debye Waller Factor DWF, $B_{iso}/2$ Å$^2$ *.sipf, mcdiff.in
Energy cf-parameters Blm Llm, free energy u meV *.sipf, mcphas.fum ...
Lattice Constant a,b,c Å mcdiff.in, mcphas.j
Magnetic Field H, Ha, Hb, Hc Tesla mcphas.ini, mcdisp.mf ...
Magnetic Moment mu, $\mu$ $\mu_B$ mcphas.fum
Neutron Cross Section sigma ,$\sigma$ barn mcdisp.qei
Neutron Scattering Length SCATTERINGLENGTHREAL $10^{-12}$ cm *.sipf, mcdiff.in
Radial Integrals R2,R4,R6 , $\langle r^l \rangle$ $a_0^2$, $a0=0.5292$ Å  
Temperature T Kelvin mcphas.ini, mcdisp.mf ...
Wave length lambda, $\lambda$ Å mcdiff.in
Wave vector k, ki, kf, Q, Qx, Qy, Qz 1/Å mcdisp.par