We would like to thank colleagues who generously agreed to read sections of the draft version of the text; their comments helped to improve the text substantially. We are particularly indebted to Ulrike Witte, Jane Brown, M. Loewenhaupt, J.Jensen, A. Kreyssig, E. Faulhaber, J. Blanco, M. Haverkort, A. Severing, A. Doenni, H. Kitazawa, R. Kremer, A. Tanaka, N. Klüver, M.Banks, N. Tang, Lucian G Pascut, M. Doerr, R. Schedler, A. Devashibhai and Andrew Boothroyd for their help and inspiring comments.
The authors thank the FWF, Royal Society and the EPSRC. We thank the authors of Cfield, Powls, FullProf, Spectre, Amos and XTLS, output of these programs has been used to test McPhase.
Without the enthusiastic support of the neutron scattering community this program would not have come into existence.